Monday, August 11, 2014


Yeah,'s Monday and I once again gained the obligatory weekend weight.  Never should I sit around and wonder why I can't get back down to what I once was.  Me...I'm the reason.  And cheese.  I'm guessing somewhere deep down inside, I know that brie, blue cheese, crackers, french bread, beer, wine, and chocolate are not super foods.  But I feel so SUPER eating/drinking them dammit!!  Not so super the day after though.  In all honesty, I've never been this bad as far as lack of will power goes.  I blame the running.  I think it makes me so ravenous sometimes that if a Five Guys burger was in front of me, I would quickly forget my vegetarian ways and devour it with no memory of the five seconds it took me to scarf it down.  I also blame school.  I was a workout-diet machine before starting school.  Stupid marathon training!  Stupid school!

Since this week is a week off of school, I am going to devote myself to getting on track.  Clean house, clean fridge, clean food, clean...clean...clean.  Wish me luck!  I'll tell you how it goes!

Friday, July 4, 2014


Ok, Mulligan on the 30 sit-ups for 30 days challenge.  I wasn't ready!  I will start it on Monday...haha!  Is that breaking the cardinal rule??  FINE!  I'll start it tomorrow! 

So I know it's been a while, but time flies when you are shoulder-deep in school, kids, work, etc.  Good Grief!!  But let me sum up the last 5 months...

 -I've forgotten all about my "21-Day" challenge.  The only thing I've done for 21 days straight is drink and snack late at night...and NOT blog.  Booo!

-My New Year's Resolution to NOT do any races this year is a FAILURE.  I've ran many races and my BFF somehow tricked me into doing the Marine Corps Marathon!!  WHAT??  Devil!

-My weight is high, gets higher every month.  People tell me it's muscle but that's faux-logna (I'm a vegetarian...we don't eat bologna).  It's the extra 500-600 calories I take in from 8pm-12am when I'm trying to get homework done!  Will who?  Will Power??  Never heard of him!

-No more P90X.  Running has taken over my life.  I miss you Tony Horton and I hope to return to you soon.  My nice arms are turning back to mom-arms ( know what those are).

-Haven't done Cross Fit.  I'm afraid to do anything that will jeopardize my runs.  I've learned that lesson the hard way.  STUPID ZUMBA!

All in all, I suck!  

Saturday, June 21, 2014

30 sit ups for 30 days

Starting July 1st I'm going to start a sit up challenge. The challenge would be more fun if others join. We can make a post entry of what we did each day. They don't have to be the standard sit ups. You can do anything that works your abs. Happy exercising!

Monday, April 7, 2014


I was wanting my next post to inform you of how much weight I have lost during the HWLC 2014 but this is not the case. Since the start of the competition (9 weeks or so ago) I have GAINED 9 lbs. I have been running and somewhat watching what I have been eating. This is very much the same habit I had when I lost the 60 lbs from before. I have about 3 1/2 weeks until it is over. This isn't the time of year where I normally lose weight but I always try. I will keep you posted as the challenge comes to a close. "Stay classy, World."

Friday, February 28, 2014

I'm here, I'm here

I told you I would contribute, it just took me some time. You know that little procrastinator voice in the back of your head that says, "I'll do it tomorrow?" Yeah, well she's been saying that a lot lately about a lot of different aspects of my life. One of the main things being my diet and exercise, as of late. I suppose that is why I am here. I don't do many of the fitness and health trends. You probably won't find me doing Crossfit or on a low-carb diet because the only thing that has ever worked for me is the old fashioned burn more calories than you eat thing, That's not to say I'm not willing to try different things (ie. I'd love to do a cleanse, but it's just another thing I have pushed off because of that little voice), I've just had the most success with things like Weight Watchers.

Here's a little background for those that don't know me or haven't known me that long (which is everyone here). Since I can remember I have had weight issues. I am a lanky 5 feet tall and have weight issues on both sides of my family, but I'm not going to blame it all on those excuses. I enjoy eating and I enjoy eating food that isn't so good for me. In college, I lost quite a bit of weight on Weight Watchers and was the lowest weight I had been since beginning high school; however, within a few months of graduation I became pregnant with my first child and my body, along with my life, has not been the same since. Not only has it been harder to lose weight, (umm...does your metabolism come out with the baby during delivery?) but life hasn't allowed me to do all of the things I need to do to get back into shape. With a lot of hard work including Jazzercise, yeah you heard that right, help from my husband, and will power I managed to lose 30 pounds last year. The week after hitting that 30 pound mark and having everyone tell me how good I looked at my cousin's wedding, I found out I was pregnant with my son. I tried not to gain a lot of weight during the pregnancy, I even spent time with a nutritionist and continued Jazzercising, and I succeeded in not gaining much during that time. However, in the 9 months since his delivery I have gained a lot.

I now look in the mirror and see that frazzled housewife who has completely given up on taking care of herself. I would love to workout during the day since I stay home, but a 2-year old who is into everything and a 9-month old who whines constantly have kept that from becoming a reality. I also have gone back to school full time so I spend three nights a week in class and much of my other free time doing homework. Spending much time on myself hasn't been easy lately, but I've realized that it is a necessity.

Since I stopped eating healthy and working out I find myself on edge all of the time. I have constant aches and pains and I seem to snap a lot easier at my kids and husband than I once did. Now's the time. I have no more excuses left. I joined Daily Burn so I can do various workouts at home until it's nice enough to get outside and it's back to working on my eating habits. What AM I weighting for?

P.S. If anyone has done any juice cleanses or anything they have enjoyed please tell me about them. I don't know if I believe all the hype, but I'd like to try one. I quit smoking totally (I was a social chain smoker) on New Year's Eve, I figure it can't hurt to try to cleanse some more toxins out of my body...

Monday, February 10, 2014

Jonathan's weight loss

In 2012 I lost around 50 pounds. In 2013 I lost a net weight of 5 lbs. My goal this year is another 50 pounds. I'm currently not doing a good job. I've only lost about 2 lbs. Last week I joined a work weight loss challenge. The prize of the HWLC is a trophy and an all you can eat lunch. Last year I came in second place, behind a machine who lost 30 lbs in 12 weeks or so. This year my strategy is running, which I did last year, and juicing. I never do a good job with dieting. My big weakness is pizza, French fries, and chips. I can't seem to get past day three of juicing. Today was day two and I broke when I got home. My family is very supportive so I can't blame them. I always fold. So tomorrow is once again day one. I will let you know when I get past day three. If I ever get there. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

21 Days Later


So I'm currently trying to exercise 21 days in a row.  So far it's not going so well.  I keep getting closer but then life happens...back to day 1.  The good news is that in 19 days, I've only missed 2 days.  HOWEVER...starting over really stinks!!  For example, I slept through my alarm this morning so I didn't get my workout in.  My choice is either to exercise at 9pm (on a Friday night?  Are you  kidding me??) or start back at Day 1 tomorrow.  I'll let you know what I decided...

So I'm sure you are just DYING to know what I'm doing these 21 days.  I am weight training, running, and cross training.  Here's the breakdown...prepare to be bored out of your minds...

Weight Training:  Every other day I utilize the P90X weight training videos.  I LOVE THEM!  I can't do the other videos because of my bad knees.  So sad...

Running:  Well, my New Year's Resolution was to NOT run more than a 10K at one time.  It's just too painful and too frustrating.  That being said, I suddenly feel the WANT and NEED to do a half marathon, or even a FULL marathon.  I tell myself, "You don't HAVE to be fast!  13 or 26 miles is an awesome accomplishment no matter what your time is!"  But I know me, I will sell my soul to get a 8 minute pace (or in this case, shred my knees).  So yeah, should definitely try to keep it at 10K or less.  Right now I'm doing 3 mile runs, still recovering from surgery.  Anyway...I'll be posting my race updates here, I hope you do the same!!

Cross Training:  I do just elliptical right now.  I want to try rowing (looks fun!), maybe some cross fit?  I've never done cross fit. Yoga is always on my to-do list.  I'm open to any suggestions!  So I have a lot of options, just need to do them!!  MOTIVATE ME DARN IT!!